Jun 9, 2015


Julia and I had our Ayurvedic practicum yesterday during teacher training.  It was awesome for so many reasons and alot of fun.  We presented a practice to balance all three doshas.  We began with Pitta balancing and opened the practice with this mudra which decreases Pitta and increases Kapha in the body. In addition:

Pran Murdra stimulates the root chakra, giving you support and increasing your vitality so that you can expand upward and outward, radiating energy through the other chakras and the nervous system.  It is called the Mudra of Life; the energy and vitality that it unlocks empowers our life from the inside out.  

It can battle fatigue and nervousness in the body and improves vision.  It is emotionally stabilizing and powerful, aiding in self-confidence and courage.  

To manifest this mudra gently place the thumb against the tip of the pinky and ring finger, leaving the pointer and middle finger extended.  Practice this mudra from 5 - 30 minutes 1-3 times a day.

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