Jan 15, 2015


wow 2014. wow.  i am not at all sorry to see you go.  i haven't had so many unexpected outside forces dictate the course of my life in a very long time.  we weathered your storms, rolled with your punches, and hopefully emerged stronger and wiser - time will tell truly.

of course this year wasn't without its good times, and it's blessings.  after all my journeys and ramblings and taking the very very long way home, i finally made it back to colorado.  it's hard to describe the pull of the mountains on the mountain born.  i see them in my dreams, on the backs of my eyelids.  i follow the play of light on their cliffs and faces over days and seasons.  although i am on the wrong side of them i am still near them.  my heartbeat has never been one of waves and water, it was always one of stone and wood.

2014 we did our best, put down roots, worked our hardest.  still i am looking forward eagerly with a positive and hopeful heart.  i know that all homes may be temporary but for now i am here, i am home, i am ready to offer all that i have and receive some goodness.

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