Apr 19, 2014


"more creation for creations sake.  more friendships, more cheap thrills.  more effort expended to reach for the stars.  more margaritas at the new favorite spot.  more photos printed, framed and displayed.  more digging in dirt.  more letting the chips fall where they may.  more chances taken, more dances danced.  more music played, more books read.  more silliness and more helpless laughter.  more explorations and more discoveries.  more simple joy in simple pleasures.  more letters to friends for no special reason.  more star-gazing.  more kissing like you mean it.  more picking flowers. more climbing mountains and sleeping outside.  more dressing up.  more giving gifts.  more making cookies.  more countries crossed off the list.  more room and more simplicity.  more fresh air.  

more room for the good shit. less space for the bullshit."

~my journal

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