Apr 12, 2014


This pose combines the strength and balance of Natarajasana (or dancers pose) with the invigorating back-bending of mermaid.  Needless to say - it's challenging.  Don't even try it unless you're warmed up, and/or super bendy.  This is one of those poses that really demonstrates how important it is to breathe and focus while remaining both strong and fluid.  You will probably fall if you rush it.  There's a metaphor in there somewhere....

* Shift your weight into your standing leg (let's say your left).

* Bend your right knee and take hold of your inner ankle with your right hand (palm facing out).

* Keeping your hips square, lift and press your foot up as you shift slightly forward and start bringing a bend into your back, as if you are going into dancer.

* Instead of pressing back with your foot, and reaching with your arm; keep lifting your foot up and work your toe, foot or ankle into the crook of your right elbow.

* Keep lifting, back-bending and balancing as you reach straight up with your left hand.

* Breathe.

* Slowly bend your left elbow and reach back to clasp your right hand.

* Breath deeply, opening your chest, arching your back, squaring your hips, and lifting your right leg.

* To come out slowly release your clasp, then gently release your right foot.  Take a few deep breaths standing in mountain pose, then do the other side.

* Once you've done both sides, do a nice, lazy, bent legged forward fold to release the tension in your back.

Namaste bitches, xx.

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