Jan 8, 2014


i feel this energy in the air, this undercurrent i'm sensing, this spark which i hope becomes a flame; of self acceptance.  it's been building and building, or should i say we've been tearing down; tearing down outdated opinions about 'the norm'.  we've been tearing down antiquated beliefs about what love looks like, about what beauty is.  there's a lot left to dismantle but lately i've been sensing some momentum in the wrecking.  

i'd like to throw my voice into the greater conversational hum. 

healthy is beautiful, whatever height or weight it comes in.  taking care of your precious body so it can carry you through this life is an act of beauty and honor.  it's a privilege.  let's agree that being happy and healthy in the body you have outshines being unhappy in one you're constantly starving or shaming or disguising.  

love is aspirational.  not conditionally, not for some people, not depending on who you love, all love.  and let's not forget self-love.

fear is a choice.  it may feel otherwise, you may feel hemmed in, trapped and constantly bombarded by all the many things there are to be afraid of.  you may feel overwhelmed by all the many chances that are scary to take because they may be unwise.  unwise to whom?  who decides this?  you.  you decide. you choose.  fear is a choice.

i'll try to remember this if you will.  namaste bitches, xx.

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