Nov 10, 2013


every one's a hypocrite.
meaning, eventually, given enough time or the correct circumstances everyone will willingly take part in something they have been vocally and adamantly against.  
i am a hypocrite too.
i've been judging.  i didn't mean to really, it sort of snuck into my personality, but i've been judging... probably you.  i've been judging the world.  i have been judging everyone... on a smart phone.
i have told myself and probably other people that i would never get one.  i hate how everyone looks, head stuck in the phone as they walk around, even drive around, the world.  i hate watching life unfold around someone who is buried in their phone.  i hate when a couple at a restaurant sit, not speaking to each other, smart-phoning away.  yuck!
i told myself things like: so what if i lack a reliable navigation system, i like getting lost!  no one can even get lost anymore, it's so sad.  why do i need a phone with the internet?   i just need a phone to call people.  and ... gps systems are creepy.  probably more things, i'm sure i told myself more things that i can't think of right now re-enforcing my identity as a non-smart-phone-forever person.  i held out for a very long time - longer than both of my parents even and other no-smart-phone friends...
but, finally, i caved.  for my birthday i got the new iphone.

the world is more amazing now. goddammit.  it's true. 

not getting lost is awesome.  finding a coffee shop near you is so wonderful.  taking photos of everything beautiful and instantly sharing them is the best.  playing games with friends across the country is so fun.  being able to easily text photos makes me feel good.  
i instantly dove into the yoga community on instagram and as a result i've been taking yoga photos everyday for a monthlong challenge.  i will probably post alot here.  i've decided to challenge myself by not only doing the pose and posting but trying to take really beautiful photos everyday as well.  so my smart phone has made me more creative! geez.
i'm sorry everyone.  sorry for judging you.  i see now, how irresistibly awesome these devices are.  and i realize, that couple texting away at the restaurant?  they are totally playing scrabble with each other.

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