Jan 5, 2012


 i refuse to believe in elaborate coincidence.  

a new woofer showed up at camp while i was at the beach.  she was helping me with the cleaning the next morning when two consecutive surprises occurred.

1) i was wiping the dining table and picking up the papers on it.  i picked up a ticket stub, looked closer and realized it was my plane ticket.... from last year.  (!@#O$*Y@O#!?????)

2) i walked over to caybrinne (the woofer) to show her and noticed her wrist.  left wrist, tattoo, same place as mine.  wait... same tattoo as mine???? (!@*8s>&p;*%kj*!!!!)

ok so upon closer inspection it wasn't exactly the same. she has an extra X.  one other thing.  neither of us ever explains to anyone what this tattoo means.

now what on earth do you make of this?..... cause it's blowing all our minds.

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