Apr 26, 2016


...and the view from the otherside! this trip couldn't have been better.


hello beautiful city!


culinary institute 

stephanie and rowland sealed the deal.  what a gorgeous wedding it was!

Apr 24, 2016


calistoga springs
after an incredibly long travel day we made it to the sunburst calistoga.

Apr 5, 2016


I did some yoga with my hands today.  Here's what I know about Shankh, or shell, Mudra:

"The Shell Mudra drives away every kind of problem in the throat.  if you practice it regularly, especially if you sing "OM" as you do it, you can improve your voice.  It also has a very calming effect and leads to collection in silence." - Gertrud Hirshi 

This mudra resembles a conch shell - which is blown to signal the opening of ceremonies at many Hindu temples.  So you can think of it as opening our own temple doors, letting out your inner light or voice.  

To manifest this mudra wrap the four fingers of your right hand around your left thumb.  The right thumb extends upward and gently presses into your left middle finger.  Hold both hands in front of your sternum.  You can practice this mudra as often and as long as you'd like.  Or to treat a specific malady of the throat practice this 3 times daily for 15 minutes.

Apr 3, 2016


No joke, this is what it looks like pretty much every time I make a smoothie. 

1 Banana
2 Tbsp Cacao Powder
1/2 cup Organic Greek Yogurt
1 scoop vanilla Vega Protein Powder
1 Tbsp melted Coconut Oil
1/2 cup Almond or Cashew milk
water as needed for consistency

Apr 2, 2016


so a huge reason for the silence over the past few months is this little love.  meet roo, our new pack member.  we got her in january so some of these photos are backdated.  but come on, i had to share the cuteness..... and she's also very smart.

and here she is today! 18 weeks old