Apr 16, 2015


this is the house my dad built.  for years we lived on the property in a trailer while it went up bit by bit.  it's the perfect ranch house; wood floors, beautiful kitchen, wrap around porch, spectacular views in every direction.  i would wake up to sunlight streaming into my room, hearing the sounds of birds and the click of sprinklers on our fields.  even though it was isolated i loved growing up here.  we didn't have a tv so john and i read and played outside alot.  i will never forget the smell of the fields, the sunset over the la sals, hunting for butterflies in the sage and grass, riding our horses bareback through the alfalfa.
even though we haven't lived there in years and years i always partially hoped to live there again one day.  so it was pretty bittersweet today, taking the last of our things out of the crawl space to make way for the new owners.  a chapter of my life has officially closed.  goodbye ranch house!

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