Mar 21, 2011


goodbye new home number 13

you know you're in wharariki when... people wave on the road. you know the times for low and high tide but have no idea what day it is. you hear 5 different languages at the dinner table. people say yaki da instead of cheers. there are peacock feathers in every vase, window and dashboard. you have to hotwire the vehicle. you recognize the noise of at least 10 different motors from over 2 kilometers away. you're actually tired of fresh seafood. your free meal is worth $300. you start dreaming about flax. everything you own is covered in sand. your one and only essential accessory is your blade. you forget what a flush toilet sounds like. every animal has a name, every vehicle has an alias, every person has a nickname. no adventure is too wild. fear is no longer even part of your emotional palette. collingwood becomes a thriving metropolis, takaka becomes the big city. your messages haven't been checked in weeks. a 10 minute hot shower is a big event. you hear the word magic several times a day. the outside world fades away. life is literally a beach.

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